I designed the shroud in Sketchup, converted into DXF file and imported into my CAD program Cut2D.
From here, I can generate G-Code to run on my converted CNC Mini Mill.
Sketchup is free and a great tool for quickly modelling up ideas easily.
It has some limitations with drawing exchange, but 3rd party converters are available to support DXF and STL conversion to other modelling software.
I convert the lines in Sketch-up to Poly-lines and export as a DXF file, then open up in Vetric Cut2D Program.
Here you can see the tool path and a 3D representation of the finished part.
Cut2D outputs the tool paths as G-Code.
G- Code is the language the machine controller uses to tell the servos on the mill how far to move the mill axis.
The code is very simple commands specified in X, Y or Z axis reference relative to a home or Zero position.
i.e, a command of; g0 x100y50z25 will move the tool position to 100mm along the x axis, 50mm along the y axis, and 25mm up on the z axis in 1 move, (vector), straight line to that point in space.
The part pictured is the upper shroud part.
First half complete, before flipping to run the program again.
When milling sheet or any thin materials that may flex during cutting, I put some MDF timber on the mill slide as a slave sheet, so I can cut through the part without damaging the slide, but still supporting the component.
Ready to cut the mirror half of the upper shroud part.
Finished Part before bending the tabs on the end for the side deflector components.
The holes in the tabs are for rivets.
The other holes are for mounting the cooler and cooler inlet, outlet clearance.
Front view after bending the tabs on the upper and lower parts with side deflectors riveted in.
View from rear with a Mocal 16 row Oil cooler sitting in place.
Mounted in place on the chassis.
Final positioning will be done once the body is in place to line up with the radiator inlet opening.
Height of the cooler can be adjusted with spacers between the lower chassis mount and chassis or Oil Cooler, to fine tune the height.
Next part to make is the tabs on the chassis outrigger to secure the top of the shroud.