The idea is a tray that is shaped around the Hellings and Stellings air cleaners and follows the taper of the hood under the inlet scoop.
Minimize the hot under bonnet air going into the inlet.
At this stage I'm thinking of having a slim tray on top of the quads and a foam rubber seal stuck to hood that will seal up against the tray when the hood is closed.
This is the concept I did awhile back in Sketchup.
3D model of the tray in Sketchup
The next step was to unfold the 3d model and flatten so I could create a line drawing of the parts to import into Vectric Cut2d program and export tooling parts to my cnc router.
After flattening, I delete the surface and export the lines as a .dxf file then import into Cut3d to create the tool paths in G-Code.

Here is a pic of the side wall cut from 3mm MDF board, and a 1/8" groove machined into a 12mm base board which the side walls slot into.

The 3mm MDF bends around the curve easily, slotted into the groove and then glued with PVA glue, very rigid.
Next step was to create a radius around the base to soften the edges.
I cut a 20mm radius in a plastic spatula and spread cornice plaster cement around the base profile and walls.
Cornice cement dries quick and holds it shape while spreading.
Its also very easy to sand and smooth before putting some filler over the top to protect it.
I also glued on some side supports to mount a flange around the top of the mould.

Next step was to cut a flange and glue and screw to the mold.
In this pic i have filled the edges and spray puttied the mold, sanded and started filling the imperfections with some body filler.
I am undecided as to have a go at vacuum forming with 4mm Acrylic sheet into the mold or fiber-glassing a part from it.
More next time.